UNITEN Offshore Office China


  1. Promoting UG and PG programmes and co-organizing educational-based conferences, forums and seminars in China;
  2. Assisting to establish practical modus operandi with Chinese universities and high schools; conducting academic exchanges and visits, including students exchange, teachers exchange, educational tours, R&D as well as collaboration in teaching and administrative matters;
  3. Conducting promotional activities and establishing collaborative mechanism at high school level in various provinces in China to attract excellent high school students to pursue study in Malaysia;
  4. Training the legitimate agents to promote with updated info, including fees, programmes, requirement and relevant policy;
  5. Increasing the mobility/exchange program for students and teachers; and assist any hassle face by the student during application.



Ms. Wendy Jian


12/F, Office Building B, New World Center,
No. 3 Chongwenmenwai Street,
Beijing, P.R. China

Tel : +86 10 64032524
Email  : china@uniten.edu.my